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Taymar 1 Valentino

AI Code:G5035293

A naturally polled Hereford, Valentino is sired by the renowned Australian bull Wirruna Katnook K74, giving him his deep red colour, length and natural thickness. He is a trait leader for gestation length, 200, 400, 600 day growth rate with no compromise on calving ease. Calves born on farm currently are showing excellent growth and vigour.

Taymar 1 Valentino
Herdbook No.
Ear TagUK190217 700039
Birth Date03/10/2020
DamSolpoll 1 Stella K27
SireWirruna Katnook K74
EBV Accuracy
Calv. Ease Direct (%)-1.1 49%
Calv. Ease DTRS (%) +1.3 41%
Gestation Length (days) -0.4 60%
Birth Wt. (kg) +4.6 67%
200 Day Wt. (kg) +43 64%
400 Day Wt. (kg) +79 64%
600 Day Wt. (kg) +96 64%
Mat Cow Wt (kg) +91 59%
Milk (kg) +660%
Scrotal Size (cm) +2.5 57%
Carcase Wt (wg) +61 54%
Eye Muscle Area ( +4.4 47%
Fat Depth (mm) -0.1 49%
Retail Beef Yield (%) +1.2 48%
IMF (%) +0.8 47%
Market Target Index Value Breed Avg.
Hereford Terminal Index (GBP) +40+26
BBB Pedigree Breeding Index (GBP) +50 +32