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Easton Greys Ferrari

AI Code:W987

Ferrari is a son of Rawburn Braw lad a hugely popular and respected sire within the Angus breed. Ferrari was selected by us for his enviable pedigree and graph. His figures put him in the top 1% of the breed and his current calving data is showing excellent conception rates, calf quality and growth rates. 

Pictured is Rawburn Braw lad sire of Ferrari

Easton Greys Ferrari
Herdbook No.145
Ear TagUK326624700987
Birth Date23/02/2020
DamAln Forever Lady
SireRawburn Braw Lad
Calv. Ease Direct (%)+0.646%
Calv. Ease DTRS (%) +3.539%
Gestation Length (days)-0.850%
Birth Wt. (kg) +3.877%
200 Day Wt. (kg)+60 70%
400 Day Wt. (kg)+11770%
600 Day Wt. (kg)+13666%
Mat Cow Wt (kg)+12356%
Milk (kg)+1252%
Scrotal Size (cm)+1.953%
Carcase Wt (wg)+9458%
Eye Muscle Area (
Fat Depth (mm)-2.552%
Retail Beef Yield (%)+1.6 45%
IMF (%)+0.343%
Market Target Index Value Breed Avg.
BBB Carcase Yield Index (GBP) +55+35
BBB Pedigree Breeding Index (GBP)+71+46